Friday, September 14, 2012

Princess arrives!

Hark now with news of the day! Princess Melissa has traversed to the southerly border of her kingdom where she visited her favorite chateau, that of Carcassone. She traveled by coach with an entourage of ladies in waiting. There she inspected the condition of the keep within the inner walls and gave thanks for safe passage within the chapel. Soon she will be donning a regal gown to attend her formal dinner of haute cuisine. Alas! She wishes thee could join her at the high table in the great hall for the delectable feast!

(the view from our chamber window)

Translation: Today we traveled south to the city of Carcassonne, home to one of the most intact medieval castles. We traveled by train (but not a high speed train). When we arrived we toured the castle and are now preparing for dinner. This is our one day/night of splurge. We are staying at a gorgeous hotel within the castle walls and are dining at a Michelin starred restaurant and I really do wish all our family and friends could be joining us.

(one of the many courses of our delectable feast...beef tenderloin infused with black truffles and pork fat (I'm sure there's a fancier name for this but I can't remember it) in a wonderful sauce with artichoke hearts stuffed with beef bone marrow and something else (?) and a vegetable whatchamacallit that I think was stuffed with foie gras. Somehow I don't think I'll be writing for any gourmet magazines anytime soon.)

Growing up in the country, I didn't have playmates in my neighborhood. I had four siblings, but they were all brothers and boys being boys they preferred to beat me up preferred not to include me in their games. So I may have developed an over-active imagination. I would walk between the lines of clothesline with weeds in my hands pretending I was a princess entering her castle. And today those dreams came true!

(my handsome hubby awaiting me outside the castle walls)

Answer to yesterday's question of the day: The high speed train of France (TGV) travels at speeds up to 200 mph. Question of the day: In the Michelin star rating system, what is the maximum amount of stars that can be given to a restaurant/chef?

(a toast of champagne in front of "our castle")

P.S. I am not disheartened by the lack of comments as I have received emails from several of you telling me that you have tried to post comments but were unable to do so. Since I can see the number of page views, and it is encouraging, I will continue to ramble. Thanks for visiting!

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