Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Crotch of Como

Sunday, May 29
Today we visit the crotch of Como!  (This is not a real phrase, but it's what we call it.) If you look at a map of Lago de Como, the shape of it looks a bit like a person, and the spot between his legs is the area we want to visit today. We have a make a triangle trip in this crotch area and see some of the most picturesque areas. But what's this?  Rain?  Well that's never stopped us before, but it may change the plan a bit.

We drive to Villa Carlotta and visit the interior while the rain is pouring. I love this place!  It is much lighter in colors and more feminine in nature than the castles we've seen previously. Don't quote me on this...but I believe the villa was built in the late 17th century but was bought for a wedding present for Princess Carlotta in the 1800's.   But Princess Carlotta had a short lived marriage. She was married for five years, had three children, and then died at the age of 23 years.

beautiful Villa Carlotta

After touring the inside, the rain lets up a bit and we tour the gardens. Magnifico!  So many flowers are blooming...there is an entire rhododendron garden in bloom. Roses are everywhere!  There is also a bamboo garden. But as we walk around a bend, I gasp!  I am truly breathless!  This lush, all green, waterfall area is absolutely gorgeous!  The beauty makes me teary eyed. I cannot believe that God has allowed me to see such beauty. And I am so grateful.

this area was so gorgeous; it's hard to capture with a picture;
there's a waterfall running through it;
the sounds, the mist, and the great variety of greens took my breath away

a garden area at Villa Carlotta

Next we take a short boat ride across the "crotch" to see Bellagio, probably the most famous of the Lake Como towns. (This is the Bellagio that Las Vegas tries to duplicate.) Bellagio is charming!  Bellagio is beautiful!  And Bellagio also wants to relieve some of the weight of your money purses. We enjoy the shops.
Now it's time to make a continue with the original plan or get out of the rain. We decide to head back to Gravedona, dry off, and take the relatives to dinner.  Stephano explains that on Sunday evenings they have a special dinner and head to bed early because the children have school in the morning. What is this special Italian family dinner that they all look forward  to?  "Toast!"  Huh?  Yes it is toast for dinner and the children can't wait. So we will take Giana to dinner and Stephano will join us for a bit.
When Stephano arrives I ask him, "Toast?  Bruschetta, perhaps?"  "Si, si!" he replies. Now that makes more sense.
I enjoy a wonderful pizza for dinner. Larry has veal scallopine, which he loves! This scallopine dish is made with Calvados, which is an apple brandy that Floyd told us about when we were in Normandy. And John and Jacque have pasta, pizza, and salads. We all enjoy our food and end our dinners with gelato with Gran Marnier. But what we enjoy even more than our food is our conversation. We are going to miss these relatives, that are not our relatives, very much.

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